I have started many blogs. And finished some. And left some just dangling. Because my life always shifts and moves and the blogs state things that might not be me anymore. And the blogs portray a certain shade of me, but not the real me. The real us. The real family we've become. And so here I am, with the goal to create a blog that reflects not politics or career aims or anything other than the creative and happiness pursuits of a stay-at-home mama of two.
Motherhood is like a pomegranate. Peel away the rubies of your soul to see more rubies. White skin looks like nothing. But beneath it are jewels.
This blog is a testament to the artistic life that lives within the walls of my home. The poems that pass between me, my husband, my children, the world. A collection of the glittering and the metallic, the small and the large.
A jar of buttons sitting on the shelf.